High quality perfumery wholesaler, selective cosmetic and professional hair care.
Nova Engel sl, founded in 1982, is now a wholeasaler of high perfumery, with a strong and solid international presence, which has extensive experience in the market of perfumery, cosmetics and professional hairdressers.
Nova Engel sl, with an extensive knowledge of European commercial distribution, has the spirit of a family business and the professionalism of a multinational.
Although our initial expansion was turned into European markets, it soon took us across the globe with an actual strong international presence and a volume of exportation.
We have also built a strong knowledge of the different sales channels through which our products are distributed i.e from traditional shops, retailers or drugstores to wholesalers, traders as well as final customers through the most advanced online systems and can provide the necessary B2B and B2C know-how and technology-adapting capabilities to guarantee you adapted strategy to the management of your business.
Our philosophy is based on integrity and our highest aim stands in building comprehensive and lasting relationship with our partners.
The current tendency among distribution companies, whichever its commercial purpose, is focused to offer diversification and this is where high quality perfumery appears. Some companies have selected this option for offering a diverse range of high quality products among other alternatives, helping them to be more competitive in the market.
Thanks to more than 70 years’ experience in the perfumery business and our company evolution we can assume to know deeply the different selling channels through which our products are distributed, from the traditional shop to wholesale and the most advanced online systems. Each channel and selling format (B2B, B2C) has certain peculiarities which we consider essential to reach the professional success that we transfer to our collaborators. A clear goal is to get the maximum benefit for our Partners.
Count on us to develop the design of the most accurate strategy and discover why we are the best option to incorporate or promote high quality perfumery to your business. We focus on success.